***howler**: This is the default and fully bundled source the includes `howler.core` and `howler.spatial`. It includes all functionality that howler comes with.
***howler**: This is the default and fully bundled source that includes `howler.core` and `howler.spatial`. It includes all functionality that howler comes with.
***howler.core**: This includes only the core functionality that aims to create parity between Web Audio and HTML5 Audio. It doesn't include any of the spatial/stereo audio functionality.
***howler.spatial**: This is a plugin that adds spatial/stereo audio functionality. It requires `howler.core` to operate as it is simply an add-on to the core.
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Fires when the sound is unable to load. The first parameter is the ID of the sou
The load error codes are [defined in the spec](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/spec.html#mediaerror):
***1** - The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.
***2** - A network error of some description caused the user agent to stop fetching the media resource, after the resource was established to be usable.
***3** - An error of some description occured while decoding the media resource, after the resource was established to be usable.
***3** - An error of some description occurred while decoding the media resource, after the resource was established to be usable.
***4** - The media resource indicated by the src attribute or assigned media provider object was not suitable.
#### onplayerror `Function`
Fires when the sound is unable to play. The first parameter is the ID of the sound and the second is the error message/code.